When it comes to home decor there are two kinds of people. Those who set it and forget it and those who like to occasionally or frequently change their decor. I’m personally somewhere in the middle. I prefer to set rooms with the big “hero” items like furniture or statement walls. Where seasonally I’ll spruce up rooms by adding festive decor, throw pillows, candles and such. And then every couple of years refresh rooms with affordable bed + bath home decor.
If you have been a part of the Shoptini community for some time then you know my family is currently traveling the country by RV. If you are new here welcome! In September of 2020 my family embarked on a great adventure traveling the country while living fulltime in our RV. It’s hard to believe but we are approaching ONE YEAR living a nomadic lifestyle.
We have decided to continue traveling to which some of our items need to be replaced and others just spruced up a bit. Currently our decor is white and black you’ll see it featured on Saturday’s style below. After a year of wear on 2 sets of white sheets, towels, blankets, and comforter we need to replace a few. Specifically the sheets! We wash our linens weekly but the laundromat and campground washers just can’t keep up with the dirt, dust, body oils and dog fur.
Our hope is to keep our RV decor light and bright but add a bit of color. We are considering a few of the affordable bed + bath home decor styled below and would love your feedback! Please share your thoughts in a comment, email or social message. Let me know which one(s) you love and which one you think we should use in our RV.