Shoptini Turns THREE!

We all know what it feels like to fall, figuratively & literally and there isn’t much difference… they both hurt and they both suck! That’s where I was two weeks ago.  Have you ever had so much going on, that you get wrapped up in making sure you get things done, that you don’t realize how frazzled or stressed you actually are?  And then that one thing happens… the ONE thing that blows the dam wide open. That thing doesn’t even have to be major. It could be as normal as your kiddo spilling his/her bowl of cereal on the floor.  And what is usually a routine “cleanup in aisle 3”, becomes THE thing when you’re overwhelmed. I didn’t realize how close to the edge I was, juggling several different projects trying to be all things to everyone.  And all of a sudden, the ground wasn’t there anymore. And I fell fast.  {Figuratively of course}. My situation involved a project I was working on that fell through after I had put considerable work into it. And what stinks the most is that my intuition told me that it was coming and tried several times to mitigate what was coming but was unsuccessful.  I was let down and in turn let others down. Thankfully all were understanding and it ended up not being as big of a deal, but for some reason it really hit me hard and put me in a bad funk.

 I am disappointed I allowed it to hinder me the way it did because I have so many exciting things to share with you today! I have attempted to write this post several times but my recent funk, paired with writer’s block held me back. Thankfully, Spencer was right there to help pick me up and knock some damn sense into me. He said “ Be you, Be real! Your community loves you for you and will be excited for you and your accomplishments”.  I’m so appreciative that he did, because this post almost didn’t get written…

…BUT, today is a special day!  And I couldn’t let my funk take away something I’m really proud of.  This weekend marks the 3 year anniversary of me launching the Shoptini blog!!  WOOHOO!!! And in addition to that, this post is also my 200th(+2) blog post!! (OK its really my 202nd, but it’s such a better story if it’s my 200th).  So it’s a pretty big day for me and I’m really happy that I’m sharing it with YOU!  It’s hard to believe that I have been blogging and sharing my personal style and life’s adventures with you all for three years!  That may not sound like a long time, but so much has happened that I feel like it has been forever.  The past three years have taught me a lot about life, marriage, friendship, parenthood, business, and myself. Of course, I have learned some technical things too like creating a website, trademarking my logo and building a brand. But it is the intangible stuff that means the most to me.  Today I would like you to join me as I take a look back and reflect over the last 3 years in terms of what I’ve learned, what I’m thankful for, and what’s in store for the future!


For perspective I thought it might be helpful to take a peek at my very first blog post. Go on, take a look! I promise it won’t take you long, lol. I can’t help but to laugh that in my first post I styled my beloved Madewell Buffalo Plaid shirt.  My BP obsession is real and it started way back when. Now I am sitting here wondering how many times I have styled that shirt on the blog over the past 3 years! I am sure there are many more but I can think of two off the top of my head. Check them out here and here. {Scroll to the bottom.}

I originally started blogging as a way to share my style and #OOTD with other fashion-obsessed girls as well as like-minded girls looking to enhance their style. I had been posting on Instagram for a few years and wanted a place where I could curate my looks and style with additional details, thoughts, and information on where to buy the pieces. And with that, the Shoptini Blog was born!  More than anything else though, my goal was to inspire others to create and love their own personal style!  And that still remains my top goal to this day.  I want women to feel like they can be themselves, love how they look, take a few style chances, and really own their unique brand of beautiful!

Over the past three years I have learned a lot about life in general, but also a lot about running a blog!  And let me tell you, it is not all puppy dogs and rainbows!  Building my website with pretty much zero technical experience was unbelievably challenging!  But I was determined and dedicated, and I made it happen.  And then, once the site was actually live, I had to learn how to blog! My writing style has defintely evolved as I have gotten more comfortable writing and sharing with all of you. Additionally, I gladly traded in my dimly lit instagram selfies for a chance to work with amazing photographers throughout the DMV area. As the blog grew I started to branch out in sharing not just my fashion looks, but my mom-life craziness… I mean cuteness lol, home decor, travel experiences and the little things here and there that help make life a bit easier.  I figure hey, if they help me, then maybe they can help you too!

Additionally, blogging has taught me to be graceful and patient with myself. Over the past year I’ve tried to maintain a regular posting schedule on Sundays & Wednesdays, but sometimes life doesn’t always allow for regularly scheduled occurrences! I’m not someone who misses a deadline, and even though these were self-imposed due dates, I would get so down on myself about missing a post or posting days later. I eventually learned to be forgiving and understanding of myself. I do A LOT of things between wife life, mom life, work life and shoptini life … occasionally something will have to give.

I think more than anything though, my blog has taught me the importance of community.  It really is something special to know that there are people out there, many of whom I do not know, who are interested enough in what I’m doing to follow along and interact with me.  Not only have I learned so much from blogging itself, but it’s really YOU, the members of this community that I interact with as a result of the blog that have really had the most impact on me.  And through my local Baltimore community, I have had the pleasure of getting to know and work with some of the most talented businesses and individuals throughout the city!  I’m so incredibly humbled and thankful for YOUR support and encouragement over the years, and I can’t wait to continue to grow this community of awesome people!


There have been several of each, more milestones than anything. But it really is incredible to look back on everything, and know that each point along the timeline, good or bad, has had its purpose in getting me to where I am today.  I don’t regret any of the experiences, and although there are a few I would prefer not to repeat, thankfully the vast majority of them have been nothing short of incredible!  Our lives are a collection of all types of experiences.  And it’s those experiences that shape, mold, and teach us.  Here are a few of the ones I’ve had over the last 3 years.

Highs – Some of the best moments!

  • Creatively concepting styled shoots, collaborating with businesses and executing the shoot. One of my all-time favorite and by far most adventurous {even a bit dangerous} was our snow covered waterfall maternity photos!
  • Attending NYFW for the first time! It definitely won’t be the last.
  • Every time you share how one of my posts or thoughts has inspired or helped you in some way. I do not take your support for granted and it makes my heart smile every time!
  • Having one of my favorite go-to fashion brands CHIC WISH reach out to me for collaboration!
  • Hosting my first Lunch with Our Littles event at MidCi
  • Getting to be on TV for the local news stations covering Preakness fashion!
  • Speaking of Preakness, working with Erin Boggs and Tearsa Thomas from Stevenson University to create one of a kind dresses for Black Eyed Susan Day and Preakness Stakes races!
  • And speaking of Stevenson University, it was an absolute honor to be able to speak to their Fashion and Design students about what I do. And if that wasn’t enough, they invited me to emcee their year-end fashion show!  Definitely a highlight of the year!

Lows – I won’t dwell here, but life isn’t always peachy

  • During my pregnancy I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy… it took me a year to finally blog about it and when I did I received so many messages of others who had similar experiences and how sharing my story helped them.
  • I was scheduled to be a guest on the podcast Parenting & Teaching with Richie Huffman and unfortunatley had to cancel a few weeks out due to a conflict with my day job schedule. I felt awful and disappointed in having to cancel. Thankfully they understood and we were able to reschedule for early this  month. You can check it out here.
  • Recently, I was let down on a collaboration that I was excited to bring to life.


  • I BECAME A MOM!! Boy how that has changed my life and the blog! Easily the best moment from the past 3 years
  • Spencer and I celebrated 5 years of marriage (now 6). That may not seem like a huge milestone, but to know that I found the most amazing man that God put on this planet and I get to call him mine is something that I truly cherish.  I’m just so thankful for him every day!
  • Crossing 10 year mark at my day job.
  • My first big brand partnership!


Words truly cannot convey how grateful I am for all of YOU, my family & friends, to the brands and businesses who choose to work with me, and of course to Spencer and Kade. If you had told me 3 years ago this is where my blog would take me, I probably would have laughed at you.  And when I stop to think about it, I really can’t believe how wonderful this road has been so far.  That’s all because of the people I have met, the relationships I have built, and the brands and businesses I have been fortunate enough to work with.  This community that I am a part of, that WE are a part of, is amazing. I am so full of gratitude for all the places it has taken me, the experiences it has given me, and the connections I have made because of it!

After all this blog is about YOU! With each outfit I post, experience I share, place we travel to, I have YOU in mind. Hoping to create beautiful content that will inspire you to happily and stylishly live life! So to you, the readers of my blog, followers on Instagram, anyone I have met or worked with over the past 3 years, my tribe…to you I say thank you! A thousand times over, THANK YOU! You are the reason I enjoy this so much. Your support and encouragement means the world to me.  And I can only hope you feel the same from me in return.


Today I am launching the Shoptini YouTube Channel!! I’m so excited to start sharing even more with you in video form!  Also, I am going to publish monthly Shoptini Style Files! I would love for you to subscribe! You will be the first to receive seasonal style tips, giveaways, discounts, how to’s, events and so much more! Just put your email in the sign-up form on the right side of the page!

I’d also love to hear from you directly.  What do you like about the blog?  What would you like to see more of?  I want to continue to deliver inspiring and encouraging subject matter to you, and it would be so helpful to know what it is that gets you excited!  Please leave me a comment below or feel free to send me an email at to share your thoughts!


So what does the future hold?  Only time will tell.  But what I can tell you is that there is so much more to come!  I want this blog to be a stylish, fun place for women to come for inspiration on daily style, family fun, home décor, travel, how-to’s and so much more!  I want to continue to cultivate my community by helping you choose to be happy… happy with your family, happy with your life and with your personal style!  I may even start hosting some local events to try and share with you more of the awesome power of this community!  Stay tuned!

It has been an incredible 3 years.  And I want to thank you for being a huge part of making it that way for me.  I’m so excited for the next three…and beyond!

Stylishly yours,


Maewood Photography // April Bly Davidson Photography // Desiree Ortman Photography

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